2009年2月12日 星期四

Fedora 10 - Plymouth Graphical Boot


Plymouth Graphical Boot

Plymouth is the new Graphical Boot of Fedora 10 which replaces the old RHGB. It requires kernel modesetting (KMS) support to work properly. KMS is currently supported on most ATI Radeon chips; anything from the Radeon 9500 and newer should work. Intel KMS support is in development, but is not yet supported. For all other graphics hardware, the text plugin is used. If you see only a scrolling bar when booting to Fedora you can try to force your Hardware into graphics mode without using KMS support. To do so reat below at the Graphical Boot Problem. However you could first try and change this theme to another one to see if it works without any changes to your grub.conf.

* Plymouth Themes

By default only the solar and text themes are installed. To add additional plymouth themes type:

yum install plymouth-plugin-{fade-in,pulser,spinfinity}

Now you can try any theme you want like this. Just replace pluginname with one of the following: solar, fade-in, pulser, spinfinity, text.

plymouth-set-default-plugin pluginname

After that just reboot your computer.

* Graphical Boot Problem

While booting in Fedora 10 you might have seen a blue scrolling bar loading instead of the grub's graphical boot screen. This has happened because of the modesetting option of the kernel that Fedora 10 uses. In order to see the graphical boot you must edit grub.conf and add a vga resolution to it. Here it is how:

gedit /boot/grub/grub.conf

Here you must add your framebuffer resolution at the end of the kernel line. Something like this:

title Fedora (
root (hd0,9)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz- ro root=UUID=a61c8338-e373-4389-ae00-32942185f7c2 rhgb quiet vga=792
initrd /boot/initrd-

vga=792 stands for 1024x768 resolution with 24-bit colours. You can find the resolution you like from here . Just look at the second table.
